For Christmas my parents got Ryan and I gift cards to Southwest Airlines. So after a couple months of of not seeing them I decided to take a trip up north. I love going home. There is just something about how well your parents take care of you that just can't be duplicated. When my dad picked me up he arrived with Boudin's Sourdough bread! My favorite (although I discovered it gave me a stomach ache each time I had sad, but still worth it)! My mom played hookie from school and we were able to have fun girl time doing pilates, shopping and of course playing with Camryn. My parents, Camryn and I went down to San Franisco on Saturday. We went to the opposite side of the city near the Golden Gate Bridge and discovered the coolest area.
Such amazing views from up there. That is the city on the right and Alcatraz on the left.
Mom and Me overlooking the other side of the bay. We had never seen this side before and it has the cutest lighthouse and black beaches.

After we ate a delicious lunch on the water in Saucilito (a cool little city on the other side of the bay) we ventured on the other side of the bridge and checked out China Beach and some other trails. It was supposed to rain that day but the weather turned out great! This is us again at China Beach. Isn't my mom cute?
This was Camryn's position pretty much the whole day. She was such a good sport!

Gotta love when the tulips and daffodils are in bloom!
We then went over to Fisherman's wharf and walked around, saw the sea lions, had waffle cones and of course more Boudin's! I love that my parent's our so close to SF!

Also while we were there, Camryn had her first big girl bath. As you can tell she loves it! I am excited because now she can take a bath anywhere.

Camryn with cousin's Sean and Ryan
It is so nice going up to see them for many reasons but especially nice that my brother and his family live so close by so I am able to visit with them as well! These boys are the cutest and so good with Camryn! (My dad has the picture with Kyle) It was great seeing these guys, going to the park and getting to catch up with my bro Scott and SIL Carrie. I had such a great visit, it was so fun to have a change of scenery and most of all getting to spend time with my family.