Sunday, November 20, 2011

These Days

Camryn is completely obsessed with make-up. I found my old Caboodle and does not let it out of her sight-one morning she had just woken up and came walking in our room half asleep and was carrying it like she had no idea what she was doing. It probably weighs as much as she does. Most of the time she just plays pretend but on nights we are going out and she needs a shower I let her at it. She actually does a pretty good job and says words like you don't want to cake it on and make your lips pop out.

I made these turkey pops with Activity Day girls and let Camryn have mine. She kept giving me hugs and kisses cause she was so excited about this little turkey. Then asked if it was a boy or a girl...everything has to be girly.
Reagan fell asleep fireside during tummy time, too tired to even try.

Camryn needed to be included...obviously.
Second time she has found her thumb. She was happily playing and then I came back in the room to find this. Sound asleep with no fuss or anything. Gotta love those moments since they don't happen very often. Have I mentioned I love my girls?


lauren ann said...

Oh I love these little girls... can't wait to see them grow up. And I really want to cozy up by that fire and take a nap with Reagan. Looks so comfy.

vanessa said...

i'm dying over camryn, "you don't want to cake it on". she is so so funny. and that last picture of reagan nearly made my milk let down! she is so sweet, and the fingers/thumb in mouth gets me every time. so glad she is feeling better. and falling asleep in random places! so cute.

Brenda said...

She knows the name of everything in my makeup drawer, "that's concealer, that's an eyelash curler, mascara, etc", but I was really impressed when she walked in the room and asked me, "is this papa's bluetooth grandma"?