Okay okay, I've decided that the dad-to-be needs to represent as well. I know all you dudes blog stalk almost as much as the women--and let's be honest sometimes their stories are different than ours, so I'm here to give both sides of every story--plus my wife has a horrible memory, especially during pregnancy so I will be here to correct history--or at least give my version.
Here are some pics of the critter, our family friend Debbie D'Agostini gave us a VIP ultrasound, which we were very grateful for, because after almost 4 months I didn't really believe Erica was pregnant, I thought it was a great excuse for her to sleep a lot and get me to do stuff. It turns out there is a baby in there! It was fun and slightly disturbing to see all the shots, we'll spare you the 3-D ones that look like Return of Chucky. We were hoping to find out the gender, but the baby was chillin in the womb not offering any peep shows. It's never too early to teach the dangers of child pornography and the importance of chasity--good job baby!
This is how it was majority of the time-with its legs kicked back and hands up by its head. I even tried jumping around to get the baby to move, but it would not budge.
Already loving that thumb! Like Ryan said we will spare the rest of the creepy shots, but for those that want to see them I am sure I can email them to you.
I hope we did ok for our first post. It will take awhile to get used to and figure out all the ins and outs. Our next post will be our fun trip to CANCUN! Yahoo!
Yay blogging! I'm so happy you're doing it so I can stalk you guys too. I've seen enough ultrasounds that I think they're awesome - not creepy - I never get tired of seeing the cute little babies!
You did a good job and I'm proud you did it all on your own. I had to have Amy give me a tutorial all through my first post. It gets waaay easier and faster and I can't wait to hear the Cancun details! Mucho jealousy!
Maybe you could get Ben to have a look at the ultrasound....I mean he's practically a doctor....so he should be able to tell. Let me know if you want me to set something up (conf call, video chat, etc..) and we can get this critter figured out.
Regardless, I have a hunch that its a boy, and with that being said....feel strongly his name should be Mike, since that is a term most frequently associated with awesomeness.
You have know idea how you've just made my day! It's the best! I love that Ryan isn't afraid to post! Mike checks everyone's blogs (not as much as me) but I doubt he would ever write anything. Love it love it love it! You'll get obsessed just you wait. If you want to make your blog SUPER cute let me know. As Nikki says, I'm the Blog Master. I don't know if that's good or bad. Yay for baby Smart! I can't wait till May 21st when we find out it's a boy :)
Cutest family I've ever seen....especially the baby.
You caved- hooray!! Enjoy this last trip with no kids- hopefully you'll have great weather and come back with a tan! Can't wait to her about your trip!
Wahoo! I'm so excited! Let me just say...when I started blogging - a year and a half ago...which seems like forever ago...I think all y'all thought I was a bit of a wierd-o:) Yay for getting on board! So easy to keep better connected! Although I'm super jealous about the Cancun trip...I can't wait to see and hear about your fun! AND I can't wait for your next ultrasound too. The results are going to be so fun to hear!
Fabulous first post Ryan and Erica. Ryan, I'm glad you're not in denial anymore that Erica's pregnant. DaNile is not just the name of a river in Egypt.
how exciting. Amy told me you were pregnant! Can't wait to find out what you are having! Maybe this one will break the boy streak?
I love the pics...it's amazing how they grow.
annie "weir" hutchison
erica yay!!! I am probably the only non-mormie who does blogging but oh well. i only do it for megan who MADE me. lol. yay so happy that you have a blog now, whoo hooo!!!! little babies on the way....
I was excited to see you guys started a blog. Congrats on the upcoming baby!
Our blog is www.thebillsfamily.blogspot.com
hey erica! i'm so glad you have a blog now. they are VERY addicting. like right now, i should be cleaning my bedroom, but instead i am checking blogs. i love it! i too am impressed that your husband wrote as well. i don't know that nate ever would. he does check the blogs though. our blog address is
hope you don't mind if i add you to our links!
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